Emma STROH Obituary
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Emma Stroh Obituary Newspaper Clipping:

Below is a partial transcription of the newspaper clipping:
Obituary of Emma Stroh
Mrs. Emma Stroh was born 7-6-1881, Holstein Germany. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Roesch. Soon after her birth she was baptized in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of her home place. Her parents left Germany when she was yet a small child and came to this country, settling in Anchor Twp, where she attended public schools, Sunday school, church and catechetical instruction. She was a very talented girl and very well liked by all of her teachers. She was confirmed 4-5-1896 in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Anchor Twp. She was one of a class of 17 children who confessed their faith in the apostles' creed and promised to be faithful followers of Christ, their good shepherd. She was sincere and kept her promise.
October 10, 1898, she was married to Andrew Stroh. For a number of years they lived on the farm of Mr. Stroh's father until they bought the farm 2 miles northwest of Garber, where they lived since. They were blessed with 7 children. One of them, Edna, passed away when but 9 days old. Mrs. Stroh was a housewife and mother of rare quality, but not always in good health. Her last sickness lasted only one week. First it was a severe cold, but it developed into pneumonia, which caused her death in spite of the very best of care. She passed away 10-8-1918, aged 37 years,3 months and 2 days. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, Andrew Stroh; six children, John, Harry, Lizzie, Roy, Mabel and Edward; her mother, Mrs. Elisa Roesch; four brothers - Willie, Herman and John of Anchor Twp and Henry who is a soldier stationed at Waco Texas; and two sisters, Mrs. John Simpsen and Miss Minnie Roesch and many other relatives and friends.
The funeral took place Oct. 11 at the family home and at St. John's Cemetery, Rev. A. Hahn officiated.
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