Anna STRUVE Obituary
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Anna Struve Obituary Newspaper Clipping:

Below is a partial transcription of the newspaper clipping:
Obituary of Anna Struve
Thursday, the funeral of Mrs. Struve took place at her home in Anchor and at the cemetery of St. John's Church; Pastor A. Hahn officiated.
On 10-22-1866, she was married to John Detlef Stuve of Holstein. In 1882 they came to America with five? children, settling on a farm in Anchor Twp. They also lived for a number of years near LoHogue, IL and near Highview, Iowa. They bought a house in Anchor and lived there until their death. Mr. Struve died 4-12-1913, 75 years old.
Mrs. Struve was feeble for the last 10 weeks. Old age was the cause of her death. She passed away peacefully 10-22-1918, aged 75 years, 3 months and 20 days. She was a member of St. John's Church for many years. They were blessed with ten children; four of them she leaves to mourn her death.
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